


Posted by Shawn Kaczmarek on Aug 28 2013 at 05:00PM PDT in 2019 Season

The NSA team policies are now also being offered with a policy period that runs from September 1 - August 31, which actually makes a lot more sense for teams in our area due to the restructuring of teams after the try out period. In consultation with the insurance agent and some other board members it makes sense to me to switch the policies purchased through our league to this time period based on the following: 1) You now have girls playing for you that may not be on roster you turned in last year 2) You might have switched coaches, organizations etc. The insurance coverage is based on NSA sanction number. Coverage is good through 12/31 if no substantial change. Do you want to leave it to the insurance company to define what is substantial change when you need to file a claim. I was told that if one or two girls change ok but if nearly half your team roster is different you are not really covered. 3) What about brand new teams? Do you really want to practice or play in the fall without coverage. I see some teams listed on tournament sites that based on my conversation with insurance company are not really covered. 4) What if someone gets hurt at try out? This makes sure you are covered 5) This change should give organizations running fall tournaments a much stronger position to make sure teams playing in your tourney have coverage. The West Seneca Magic has committed to making this change and we will be insuring 15 teams from them as soon as we get sanction numbers through Ed Warhol. As long as I pay for 50 teams up front I will be able to continue to receive the discounted rate on this insurance so it is my plan to do so. At the board meeting last week we voted to pay all umpire fees at the field so we need to restructure our fee structure to play in the NFL to compensate for this. We also voted to require every team playing in the NFL to have the NSA team insurance which will be included in this revised league fee which will be a flat fee including all costs other than umpire fees. Teams can be covered under other policies as well but we will no longer discount the cost to play in the league because you have other policies. Every team in the league will be covered under the NSA team policies. The policies included in the league fee will run 9/1 - 8/31. We have put the league on a good enough financial foundation that we can pay for 50 teams up front every year without having to make sure that we have collected from every team before we can insure anyone. If you would like me to get your sanction number and get the coverage for you as soon as possible so you are covered for fall tournaments/ practice I will be happy to do so. Just get me your team name, coaches contact information - address and cell phone and we will be good to go. Those of you who were in the league this year I can simply use your escrow funds to cover the cost without having to get me a separate check before the first meeting. I can let new teams know what to do when you send me your information. Probably just require a $150 deposit towards next year league fee to get the coverage for a new team. Not going to be done for 9/1 but will get done in the next couple weeks. This way you do not have to wait to get coverage until our first meeting which is tentatively set for early November. Those teams that have disbanded or are not concerned with having coverage for 9/1-12/31/13 just drop me a note letting me know where to send your escrow refund. I will assume all open teams want their escrow refunded unless I hear from you that you want the insurance coverage right away. Don Flanagan - NFGSA treasurer


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